Saturday, 3 August 2013

What does a wheelie bin and a CCM have in common?

It's been a couple of years since i had a road bike, and i decided i was missing it a bit. So i spent many hours on the net looking at what i could get for not a lot of money.
There's a few bikes on my 'bikes i've always fancied' list and a big single cylinder bike is one of them (along with TRX850's and the RC30 ... oh and a top fuel bike, and maybe a 916). Anyhoo, i picked up this CCM 644 supermoto - which uses the single cylinder engine from the Suzuki Freewind. It's light, has plenty of power, has fab brakes and WP suspension, and everyone who I've spoken to who's ridden one says they are great fun.
It's got very dodgy wiring and on a trip round the block only broke down 4 times! Other than that it doesn't seem too bad.

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