It seems like ages since the last post, probably because i've been pretty busy and a lot has happened since then. Not all of it makes for a good blog post however and without a picture or two it's hard to make something of it.
I guess the general idea of a blog is it requires regular rolling updates, it seems - a pitiful waffle every 2 or 3 weeks is all i can manage!
Some cool cool stuff has happened, lets start with .....
New 15 tooth offset front sprocket arrived.
New 15 tooth offset front sprocket sent back.
Bought a complete GSX1100 in bits
Got the van (the Vito) through an MOT after 4 months of sat getting mouldy in the car park.
Star Racing cylinder head has been approved (many thanks to Roger for checking it over for me)
The bike has had all wiring removed.
The bike now has all new wiring in it's place and the MC4 ignition is wired up.
Replacement clutch basket is under way, and i removed the straight cut gear from the old basket.
Acquired (thanks to warpspeedracing) a rocker cover for the Star head, and spent ages reviving it's once shiny finish. And today the gasket arrived for it.
Much to my delight the gasket is idiot proof too - in that the cam end cap, half-moon seals are integrated into the gasket and so will not be misplaced by hapless bike builders (me) and end up getting wedged down the camchain tunnel necessitating a late night engine rebuild in the pits!
The GSX1100 i bought ain't as bad as the last one i acquired, in fact it's not bad at all really, the paintwork is rubbish but it's not rusty and all the ally bits are half decent. Plus the engine is in one piece and is clean.
Oh, and the new sprocket was returned for some final machining. It should be on it's way back in the next few days. I've gone for a 15 rather than 16 tooth, as it will still allow an extra 10+ mph and let me keep the chain and rear sprocket.
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