The billet clutch basket arrived from Warpspeedracing this week. As part of the service, they also reattached it to my straight cut gear and fitted a new set of springs. The result is one very nicely made, perfectly priced and very strong basket!
It's been made future proof too, so if i decide to change my lock-up clutch for a slider type clutch, i'll be able to machine it down slightly and use it with the slider.
Also this week i took the barrels off to fit a second base gasket. I'd been putting it off as i remember it been a real nightmare getting all the piston and oil rings back into the barrels without breaking them. However, i'd forgotten that last year after i broke a set of cases i left them with Roger Upperton and he added a bit more of a lead-in to the sleeves and it's a lot easier than it used to be. It still requires patience however!
The reason for the extra gasket is simply to lower compression. The new head has been skimmed and has smaller combustion chambers so would have given slightly too high a compression ratio. There was a 1mm aluminium gasket under the barrels, and now I've added a standard paper gasket to it, making it 1.5mm in total.
The piston tops now sit 0.6mm down the bores and compression should be the same as it was with the old cylinder head .... 12 and a bit to 1
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