Saturday, 7 June 2008

Here's the plan

Suddenly theres been a bit of a rush to get stuff done. I decided to fit the MSD retard unit that arrived this week, it's taken quite a bit of juggling and rewiring to find somewhere to put it. It's still not wired in properly as i need a relay, but even so i'm not sure if it works. The timing seems unaffected once it's activated.
I can't put the bigger nitrous jets in without taking some timing out or it would likely damage the engine through detonation. If i can't get the retard unit to work the only alternative would be to take some static timing out, reducing it from 34 degrees to 28. The downside to this would be it running bad when theres no nitrous.
Other changes to try and keep the engine from melting.... or rather to prevent detonation, are swapping the spark plugs for a cooler grade and the addition of an octane booster to the 99 octane super unleaded i normally use. I can't afford the swap to race fuel just yet, but the way fuel prices are going up it won't be long before it's cheaper than unleaded. Anyway, i read some reviews and it sees that NF nitrous formula offers the best improvement and should take super unleaded to 101 maybe 102 octane. Either that or i just wasted £13.

The final entry list for the summer nationals has changed a little and there are now 9 bikes in the competition bike class. It means that in order to get to run on sunday i'll have to ensure i don't qualify last!
There are some good entries in all bike classes so it should be a good weekend. My racers tickets and schedule arrived today, there are 3 qualifying sessions for each class planned for saturday.

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