Saturday 25 August 2012

2012 Open Sport Nationals

Monday: Raceday - it kept raining slightly on and off which caused delays but eventually comp bike were called, and the pairings for the first round were:
Phil Leamon & Alan Davies, Tony Clarke & Harold Wolfenden, Phil Crossley & Nick Milburn.
Phil Leamon won in a very close race against Alan Davies, Harold won the race against Tony Clarke as Tony got out first but had a large wheelie to contend with and started drifting so eventually had to back off, letting Harold come through for the win. Our race against nick wasn't so close as nick seemed to loose traction and veered towards the center line so wildly he had to get off the throttle completely, leaving us to cross the line first.
The next round (Semi finals) saw Phil Leamon Race Harold Wolfenden, and we had a bye run.
Phil beat Harold as he had problems - running a 12 something. We made teh decision not to run on our own so just went to the line and took the green and broke the beams - putting us automatically through to the final - our first final ever, and one of our goals for this year!
It was all set for an all Phil final then, we got as close as being called when it started to rain again, and eventually they called the meeting off. So technically we made it to the final but we have never actually run in a final.... ho hum. No prize money or trophy either!

Sunday: The weather was much better today, and we made 3 runs. The first was 8.181, with a drift to the left that meant i rolled the throttle a bit, so not perfect but enough to make number 1 qualifier.
The next run it went harder left and most of the run was spent at half throttle. It was an 8.7.
We saved the best for last, on the last run it went straight and smooth and ran the much awaited first 7 second run - a 7.93 at 164mph. And still number one qualifier.
Race day tomorrow, we are hoping the weather holds.

Saturday: Some classes managed to get down the track today but we weren't one of them. It rained a lot during the night, so the track took till midday to dry, comp bike were the 7th or so class out,  we made it to the end of the pairing lanes when it started to rain so everyone was sent back to the pits. An hour later we were called again, just 4 cars were waiting to run before us and we were the first pair bikes to the burnout box. We were about to start the engine when it started to rain again, and we just made it back to the pits before the heavens really opened.It's been thundering and lightening on and off since then and they called racing off for the day about 3pm. Comp should be first class out tomorrow.

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