Tuesday, 14 December 2010

So you want to go drag racing?

It's fair to say the mini-bopchop tow bike gets more attention in the pits from passers by than my race bike, especially from kids. It is a funky machine, but it's also an uncomfortable wobbly contraption that Stuart has a particular dislike for. Seeing as it's he who has to ride it the most whilst on tow duty, i thought maybe it's time for him to have that deluxe quad with hot beverage holder he often talks about?
Then i remembered my bank balance ..... and so i interpreted that aspiration for him and came up with this:

Moving on .....

Christmas is just around the corner but pah!! there are more important things ..... It's the time of year for renewing my ACU license and Club membership, and whilst i was filling out forms and stuff i remembered how confusing it all seemed when i first started. And so i thought I'd put a brief guide together for anyone thinking of going racing in the ACU who doesn't know the ins and outs of the process.

  • Download THIS form, print it out, fill it in.
  • Go either HERE or HERE, download the membership form and fill it in.
  • Send both forms along with a stamped addressed envelope and 2 cheques, to whichever one of the 2 clubs you decided to join. They will stamp/sign the first form for you and forward it to the ACU.
  • Download THIS, read it & choose a class appropriate for your bike and build it to comply with the the rules.
  • Do observed runs, either at a RWYB or a race meeting & get your licence signed by an ACU clerk.
  • Go racing! Race entries will become available HERE or HERE early in 2011
And that is pretty much it. No excuses now eh.

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