Thursday, 30 September 2010

Home in one piece

Rained spoiled the fun at the Last weekends event at Santa Pod. A full day of qualifying was followed by a full day of just enough rain to stop racing taking place.
It hadn't gone too badly either, there was one small incident where - on the 2nd qualifier the bike popped an oil seal out during the burnout and leaked some oil into the burnout box necessitating my immediate removal from the track, but I'd not broken anything and in the other 2 qualifying runs the bike ran fairly faultless 8.4sec runs.
What is strange however is the general lack of performance increase i was expecting. I'd fitted the new cams which i thought were going to liven it up a fair bit. But on the track .... a barely noticeable difference. It does feel a little stronger in the first 330ft but the times say otherwise.

The next, and final race of the year is in a little over a weeks time, the Extreme Performance Bike weekend on 9-10th October is the last chance to try a few things and hopefully beat last years best time & speed. If the weather plays nice we should get plenty of qualifying runs as it's a bike only event and the bike classes are run pretty quickly compared to car classes. I'll be trying a few things over the weekend, mostly to do with getting this new chassis to 60ft properly. By that i mean get it off the line and to the 60ft timing beam in the low 1.2 second zone. Something it definitely should be doing but definitely isn't so far.
I've refitted the lambda sensor and logger too, i thought I'd give it another try and if it works it will let me know for sure how rich or lean it's actually running during a run. last time i tried it it recorded too much interference for the data to be useful. This time i shall wire it differently!

Sam has updated her photobucket page with pictures from the weekend. Her pages can be seen HERE

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