Strangely - despite the forks being identical on the outside they don't share one common part internally. However - they are in better condition, as in no pitting on the chrome and they aren't bent.
The replacement for the now gone VFR has arrived, and will be leaving again shortly in various sized packages.
I bought a GSX1100E in pieces. I only really want the parts that may come in useful as spares, like the engine cases, crank, gearbox and cylinder head. The rest of it is being listed bit by bit on eBay. If you need any GSX parts check out my eBay sales HERE, and remember - bid generously as all proceeds go to a good cause!
Stuart - who is my regular crew/starter guy has been sorting out the bad starter cart battery situation and has very kindly purchased a new one for me. It's a 60ah bosch the same as the other good one so there's a new matching pair in there now.
I bought a new Accumate maintenance charger too as the last 2 Oxford ones ( maximiser 360T which cost £60 each) have now died - well before the supposed guarantee runs out. Oxford are zero help in this regard and claim that they won't fix or replace them without a dealer stamped warranty card being posted in when purchased. Not really possible when bought off the Internet.
The worst thing about the second charger was it actually claimed to have been charging all my batteries when in reality it had been draining them!
I finished
Still to sort out before the next meeting which is in approx 6 weeks time:
- 2 fuel pumps to fit and set up correct pressures (one to feed the carbs one for the Nitrous side)
- Tyre for the mini bopchop as it's falling apart!
- Lanyard kill and switches to replace.
- Relays to replace and mount in a big foam block to minimise vibration.
- Fork springs to find, leak proof seals to buy and forks to reassemble.
- Sprocket support plate to take off and do final polishing.
On the maybe list:
- Paint the bike
- Refit the LM-1 wideband sensor and logger
- Get a 2 tooth smaller rear sprocket made
That should keep me going for a while!
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