It seems a shame to have to strip the motor again as it's only done one run since the last rebuild. It would be better if there were a great big pile of go faster parts to fit into it - a 1500cc big bore kit would be great, and fancier cams etc .... but no, the only reason for it to come apart this time is to fit the new gearbox.

Wasted?: 3litres of fully synthetic oil, 2 or 3 gaskets, and a set of piston
Gained?: nowt but the ability to take a
gsx engine apart possibly blindfolded. I'll have to work on blindfolded reassembly however.

Anyway, it seemed even easier this time, the hardest part was getting the starter nut off, but I've made up a puller now so next time so it should give in a bit easier.

Whilst it's apart I'll do a few jobs such as repaint the crankcases, and when i go to collect the gearbox I'll take the bottom half with me to have the 'trapdoor' modification done, this involves removing some of the webbing out of the bottom of the gearbox. The purpose? The purpose is to enable the removal of bent shift forks from the engine without having to strip the engine. They can be accessed through the sump, it's not easy and there's a good chance you'd end up with oil dripping in your eye, but it can be done between races if needs be. I don't intend bending any shift forks or shafts but
I'll do the mods just

I've added an electrical connector to the 3rd gear wire on the gear change indicator mechanism, This is the final part of the electrical changes needed for the auto box, once 3rd gear is reached a pin in the selector drum will complete a circuit and switch over a latching relay, re-enabling the shift kill mechanism.

This diagram shows the circuit.
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