We set off around 5.30am, arrived at the pod at about 10am where my crew and my sister (who has never been to the Pod before) were verbally abused by a security dude who insisted they were "thick" and had to park in the day camping field. What i nice start.
In the pits i set the bike up and went to get the Nitrous bottle filled and to sign on. Unfortunately i couldn't get any gas as the Motorshack guy was having technical difficulties so i had no choice but to run without any. I was told that we would be called when they wanted us to run, but after not being called i quizzed a few people who had run already and they said just to go and run as nobody had been round.
So we went down to the pairing lanes and joined the queue. It seems we'd timed it badly as Top Fuel was about to run and they were all pushed to the front. Then there were numerous oil downs and crashes which caused major delays. So they brought out the jet cars and the wheelying fire truck to keep the very large crowd happy.
After 3 and a half hours of waiting (and getting colder and colder) i finally got to run. In the opposite lane was current Super Street bike champ Steve Venables, he had trouble with wheelspin so i got away first but inevitably he came streaming past. What made it worse was the slight problem when i came to change gear .... nothing happened. Basically, because the wait was so long most of the air had escaped from the airshifter and there was no longer enough for the kill switch plunger to be depressed. After a few presses i realised what was going on and shifted by manually shutting off the throttle. It was a rubbish run in short but i was glad I'd had the chance to try it out after the recent rebuild and it was nice to get out one last time before winter sets in.
We returned on Sunday morning for the RWYB but by 2.30pm the track was still wet so we packed up and headed home.
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