Thursday, 11 October 2007

Do Voodoo

Working in the IT business i know all too well the power of Voodoo magic. IT doesn't matter what you know or how skilled you are, sometimes things just don't work. The same things you tried 100 times before simply refuses to have any effect and your left stumped. Then the next day is totally different, the voodoo magic is flowing ..... you only have to be in the same room and the thing starts working. Somedays i get a call to come and fix a computer, the user has had to live with it being faulty for a whole week, it's practically driven them insane. So i turn up and suddenly it's started working again. Not because i've fixed it .....but because of the VOODOO! It just works because i've turned up.

When flowing with voodoo magic everything happens almost without effort.

Anyway the reason for this rambling is because this applies to building bikes. Some days i go and spend 3 or 4 hours doing stuff and it all goes wrong, and i end up achieving nothing, throwing away whatever it was i made or modified.
And sometimes i just throw bike bits around and it assembles itself. The term "throw it back together" is, when the VOODOO is at it's strongest, quite literal!

Tips for good voodoo levels:
Only do important jobs during the 3rd phase of a new moon
Dont have a mobile phone in your left hand trouser pocket
Do say "hello" to all cats that make eye contact that day

If this does't work, go home and stay indoors. It's safest.

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