Friday, 10 August 2007

Engine rebuild

After buying the bike and having a quick fire up on my street, i got to work taking it apart and finding out exactly what i'd bought.
Here is the engine that was in the bike. It is aGSX1100 EZ or Katana motor. The barrels, pistons and head are all standard . The bottom end however has been worked on, and has: Welded crank, Straight cut primary gears, and lock-up clutch. The lock up can be seen clearly in the picture and appears new.
The other engine that came with the bike is quite the opposite. It has a standard bottom end, other than uprated oil pump gears. But it has a tuned top end featuring: Big bore Cosworth 1261cc billet Pistons as shown here.
They sit in oversize GSX EFE barrels. The Cylinder head has oversize stainless valves, ported and flowed head a
nd fast road cams. Head work was done by Roger Upperton.

There are plenty of other things i want to sort out on the bike. As you can see, wiring is one of them as its currently .... messy!

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