Tuesday 9 April 2013

The investigation

Trying to diagnose what was the cause of the problems we had at the last meeting is proving to be tricky. As mentioned, the battery voltage dropping so low was cause for some thought, it's possible that the nitrous solenoid wouldn't pulse properly with such a low voltage, or indeed the ignition  may not function correctly either. The battery is currently being cycled a few times to see if it improves, but it's difficult to tell without running it. It may be a case of taking a cheapo spare battery to try, just in case the problem persists at the next round.
On every run - bar the one with no nitrous, the Racepak shows a spike on the trace for wide open throttle at the same moment as the misfire. The logger picks up the feed to the schnitz as the WOT signal, so it's possible one of the 2 microswitches involved in that circuit is dodgy. Replacing relatively cheap stuff in the hope it cures the problem is a large part of the plan!

Improvements are also underway to make the rear brake more effective, the pivot point has been moved further back to allow a longer lever, and the pivot for the master cylinder pushrod has been brought in a lot closer to the pivot point, effectively increasing the power - which previously was very very weedy.
I designed a lever and associated bracketry on the computer and had them cut using waterjet. It means a lot less sawing and filing for me, and a much more intricate design is possible.

V1.2 wheelie bars are underway too, some subtle mods to the steel crossbracing should sort the problem of them moving, and without adding much weight either. The bars by the way, came in 1kg heavier than the previous - all ally ones. Not bad at all considering the ally tube itself is a fair bit thicker.

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