Monday 1 October 2012

The bopchop rides again! didn't get it's name from nowhere and now, after a 2 year retirement period the bopchop is back!  
It's in almost the exact same configuration as i started the 2008 season on it - 1260cc top end, same cylinder head, smoothbore carbs - the lot. And it's reason for coming out of retirement? Well... it always did look far too good to stay hidden in the cellar, and i had enough parts to put an engine of sorts together some time ago. It will be coming to the final round of the ACU championship this weekend - the Extreme performance bike weekend, where it will be ridden by brother in law - Arge, in the RWYB event organized by Straightliners. Hopefully it will run well, we really haven't had time to test it properly, but it's a known setup so fingers crossed it'll be propelling arge down the Santa Pod quarter mile without too much fuss.

As for team bopchop? Well, the bike is ready, all the settings from the last meeting are still in it and the weather for the weekend has been booked. Everyone who races in the ACU series deserves this one to be a proper race meeting. After such a terrible season with every single event affected by bad weather, we are due one i'd say.

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